April 2024: the most INTENSE and eventful month of the year!

April is a BIG month astrologically! And I know you are feeling it too!

This Mercury retrograde + eclipse season is INTENSE! I think this may be the most frustrating one I’ve experienced in a while as its hitting me right on the ascendant. We will all experience its effects somewhere in our lives and the intensity will depend on your natal chart.

I even made a video about it and how it will affect each sign! 👇

This month we have 3 major things happening (in order of importance):

1. The Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 9th of April. Eclipses bring events that are fated and destined whether you are ready for it or not! It is also the VEDIC NEW YEAR and its not often that this new moon happens to be a total eclipse. When it is, this means the year ahead is going to be a difficult one for the world! But through challenges we become stronger, so BRING IT ON! 💪

The eclipse is only visible in North America and the Arctic region but you can watch the livestream at NASA. The eclipse starts at 3.23am before it reaches totality at 4.40am AEST.

2. Jupiter + Uranus conjunction in Aries on the 20th of April. This will happen ONLY ONCE IN OUR LIFETIME. Leading us into more awareness and FREEDOM but not without a bit of a shake up!

3. And of course we have Mercury retrograde between April 1-25. So allow yourself more space to reflect and review things whether its an email, work, or just about life and where you are at the moment.

With all the things happening this month it isn't 'astrologically' ideal for me to launch my video BUT a wise artist once said

"It's never the wrong time to do the right thing!"

~ Frankie Morgan

So if you do feel inspired to do anything, even if I did say in my video that it's best to hold off from making major decisions or changes until the eclipse eases off. What is ALWAYS most important is that you listen to the whispers (or shouts) of your soul!

Trust yourself, you know what you need to do!


5 things to know about the lunar eclipse in Pisces


How to live by the art of thrifting + New moon in Aquarius