5 things to know about the lunar eclipse in Pisces

Welcome to eclipse season!

On September 17, the moon will reach it's fullest peak and I bet you've been feeling the vibes already.

Here are 5 things you need to know about the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

  1. Eclipses bring things to the surface and can reveal things that you didn't know before. You may experience sudden insights or changes in direction.

  2. There is an unpredictable nature to eclipses so it's generally best not to initiate or launch projects. Take the day slow and chill...

  3. This eclipse is in watery Pisces making it an ideal time for emotional release and letting go. If you are feeling extra sensitive give yourself a moment and tune into what your inner voice is telling you. Your intuition will be sharper so create the space in your day to listen, meditate and journal!

  4. Neptune sits closely to this eclipse which can make things feel hazy and unclear. Hold off from making any major decisions for 2-3 days. You may receive more important information in that time.

  5. A simple ritual you can do to honour the eclipse is to go outside in the moonlight and offer some water in your cupped hands to the moon. You can say a little prayer or intention and then pour the water onto the earth 🩵

​Other Cosmic News

The Sun entered Virgo yesterday and this is an ideal time to focus on your health and daily routine. I am recommitting to my only new year's 'resolution' - to meditate daily (I stopped in Feb!) 😅

Is there anything that you need to recommit to?

Venus enters Libra tomorrow! Venus is at home in Libra and I find that things happen with more grace, ease and beauty. Immerse yourself in nature, art, music and good food these next 3 weeks! This is also a lush time if you have some creative projects in the works. You will be blessed by the muses!


April 2024: the most INTENSE and eventful month of the year!