Solar Eclipse October 2023

This Saturday at 27 degrees of Virgo we have the partial solar eclipse.

In Vedic astrology, the solar eclipse occurs because the bodiless demon serpent Rahu swallows the Sun and Moon. Because Rahu is the head of the serpent eventualIy the Sun and Moon pass through and become visible again. In ancient times people feared the eclipse as it brought darkness to the world and it was shrouded with superstition.

These days people don’t really freak out about it, that is if they even notice it. But I have always found that around the time of the eclipse BIG changes happen, for better or for worse. Usually it’s for better even if it doesn’t always feel that way at first.

The cosmic dance between light and dark are reflected within our own inner worlds and we are required to reflect. Secrets are revealed and what was unknown and hidden is uncovered. We may experience epiphanies and truths that are life altering.

Being in the sign of Virgo the eclipse may give you insight around how you can be of service to others and where you can bring more attention, care and detail to your life. If you have been thinking of tweaking your diet or changing up your routine for Spring now is a great time to do so. If you are in the Northern hemisphere perhaps you can start to see where you can simplify and prune areas of your life to allow for more rest and quiet in the upcoming winter. 

As Pluto has also turned direct (on October 11) the transformative energy is palpable, encouraging you to release what no longer serves you. Now is the time to embrace change, be courageous, and let go of the past. This is your chance to rebuild and regenerate. This is a powerful time to create positive changes and empower yourself. Take the leap now!

Ideas for the solar eclipse:

  • It is common to eat vegetarian food only or to fast on the day of the eclipse

  • Find yourself a cosy spot in nature and meditate

  • Ritual bathing - you may like to add some bath salts and flowers

  • Light a candle or create your own ritual

  • You may also like to set intentions that benefit both yourself and your community but I always suggest to leave yourself open to receive inspiration or revelations during an eclipse.

Predictions for each Sign

To find out more about how the eclipse will affect you, look for your ascendant or rising and Moon sign.

Note: This for your Vedic placements which is about 26 degrees different from you Western astrology placements. Use the link below if you need to check where your Moon or Rising sign is in your natal chart.

Vedic Chart Calculator

Aries Rising or Moon

This eclipse will inspire you to take care of your health and wellbeing. Now is a great time for you to make those changes that you have been thinking about for so long. Perhaps you may try to get more rest, eat more veggies, exercise regularly or find balance with your work and daily routine.

Taurus Rising or Moon

You will find that over the next few months you will enjoy more fun in your life. Could this be a new romance or the start of a new creative project or hobby? In any case make the most of this time and enjoy the new opportunities to come.  

Gemini Rising or Moon

Over the next 6 months your energy and focus will be on your home life. There may be some changes that are occurring in your living situation and this will be for the better. Your family and mother may be at the top of your mind so make sure you spend some quality time together too.

Cancer Rising or Moon

Time to clear out those cupboards and desktops, get organised and be prepared for a lot of activity and movement over the next few months. There could be writing or study involved and this could be a social and busy time for you. This may leave you feeling scattered so make sure you do things that help you feel grounded. One of your siblings may also receive important news or experience significant changes in their life.

Leo Rising or Moon

Money, money, money will be a focus for you and not just money but all forms of resources. Your energy will naturally gravitate towards how you can earn more and this can mean up-skilling, to exploring how you can manage your finances or time. How you see and value yourself may also begin to change. Here’s to more self-worth and love!

Virgo Rising or Moon

You will feel as if you are beginning a new chapter. There may be a big change and transformation over the next few months, and you may express that through your personality and appearance whether its a make over or hair cut. This is a special time of personal development and growth for you!

Libra Rising or Moon

Tend to your soul dear Libra. Things from the past may come back for healing. You will realise things within your subconscious and feel more sensitive and emotional than usual but trust the process, you will come out of this 6 month cycle more renewed. Now would be a great time to take up meditation, seek a therapist or any activity that helps you feel grounded and relaxed.

Scorpio Rising or Moon

Meet your tribe! There will be changes within your social circles and now would be a lovely time to start putting yourself out there and meeting people who share your values and interest. There may be news regarding a friend you connect with deeply.

Sagittarius Rising or Moon

Big changes in your work and career, you may feel inspired to start a business, quit your job or start a new one. Either way it needs to be on your terms and you will be revealed the best path forward. Have courage, take a leap of faith and see where it takes you. Over the next few months, there will be changes and new opportunities related to your work.

Capricorn Rising or Moon

This is a positive time and you may be travelling or learning something new which will change the way you view the world. There will be expansion and you will have more opportunities to learn, grow and teach.

Aquarius Rising or Moon

At this eclipse notice what has been triggering or coming up for you as this will indicate what you need to let go of. An emotionally intense period is coming up and now is a great time to deal with past traumas. Don’t be afraid, the cosmos will support you in this process of letting go. And you will feel more light and free in no time!

Pisces Rising or Moon

Relationships will come into focus this month and your partner or someone that you are close with may need extra support at this time. They may be experiencing a big change but don’t forget to nourish and take care of yourself as well.


✨A Magical Guide for the New Moon in Sagittarius ✨